When farmers in the Rockley region near Bathurst talk about the other hill being always greener they are probably looking at Peter Matus’s property “Tara” where he has been using ANL’s Nitrohumus® compost. Peter contracted ANL’s land application services to apply Nitrohumus® compost to the grass pastures on his farm in mid 2013, not realising that he was just about to go into one of the driest and hottest summer periods the region has experienced. The rain did come though in February 2014 with a fall of over 120 mm and with some useful follow up rain.
The photo below shows 2 paddocks with similar management histories with the exception of the paddock on the right receiving Nitrohumus® compost. Both paddocks have received the same amount of rain and have had stock grazing on them. The nutrients and organic matter provided by the Nitrohumus® compost has meant that the pasture has jumped away providing feed much quicker.
Nitrohumus® compost applied to the paddock on the right at a farm in the Rockley region near Bathurst
The benefits of using a nutritionally diverse fertiliser high in microbes and organic matter such as ANL’s Nitrohumus® compost as opposed to a single or limited range granular fertiliser becomes a lot more evident when you take a closer look at the pasture composition. The diversity and number of beneficial plant species that have emerged and are flourishing in the paddocks where Nitrohumus® compost has been applied is quite significant compared to the untreated pasture. (see photos below)
Beneficial plant species emerging and flourishing in the treated pasture on the right where Nitrohumus® compost has been applied
Photo on the left is an untreated pasture and despite being in paddocks side by side and receiving the same amount of rainfall the growth in the perennial grasses is very modest, in addition the annual plants that have germinated are predominantly Paterson’s curse, and saffron thistle. Whilst in the paddock on which Nitrohumus® compost was applied the perennial grasses have exploded with growth, and annual medics and clovers are the most predominant species emerging. The establishment and persistence of these important legumes is crucial to the productivity of a pasture year after year.
The near paddock has Nitrohumus® compost applied, both paddocks have a similar management history
Apart from the quicker response to rain on his paddocks treated with Nitrohumus® compost, Peter can also expect to experience increased weight gain in his stud lambs that are grazed on these pastures. This is another benefit people who use Nitrohumus® compost refer to time and time again. By using a nutritionally diverse fertiliser source such as Nitrohumus® compost, the plants are being supplied with all of the key Macro and Micro nutrients they need for good cell structure and growth. So when animals eat these plants they are eating a more nutritious plant.
A treated grazing pasture on a farm in the Barrington Tops
Why are composts the best way to provide nutrients to the paddocks on your farms? With ANL’s Nitrohumus® compost the Nitrogen and Phosphorous provided are accessible to the plants because the micronutrients and trace elements that the plant needs - Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Zinc, etc to effectively access the N and P are also supplied. In addition the microbes that are essential in the transportation of the nutrients to the plants roots are also being feed from the composted organic matter and humus in Nitrohumus®. So composts benefit all parts of the production system in your field.
To find how Nitrohumus® compost can benefit the livestock and cropping pastures on your farm, contact Roger Crisp on 0438 269 027.