When considering using a pebble for your garden you need to consider what you are using it for. Are you using the pebbles for a driveway or a path, or are you using pebbles as a long term resilient mulch.
1. Driveways and Path's
All pebbles and gravel can be used as a pathway or driveway with the exception of Scoria which is too soft and brittle and will break when driven or walked
on. When choosing a stone product for your drive or path it is based on personal colour choice and physical characteristics. Round pebbles tend to be easier
to walk on were as gravels or crushed pebbles have angular edges and are not as comfortable to walk on. However, a gravel tends to lock together better
in a driveway situation and moves much less than a round pebble does.

2. Pebble sizes
The most popular sizes available in the pebbles and gravel are 10mm and 20mm. 10mm sizes are better used in pathways and are ideal for walking on and 20mm sizes are most preferable for use in driveways as they will tend to last longer but either size can be used in both situations.

3. Hard or decorative mulch
Any pebble or gravel can be used as a decorative mulch. The advantages of using a gravel or pebble as a mulch is that they are inert. That is that they will not alter the soil in any way. They are long lasting, as they will not break down like organic mulches will and they give you the advantage of stopping water loss from the soil by evaporation as all mulches do.
It is recommended you use a weed mat under any rocks or pebbles used in the garden or in a path, as this will prevent weeds from coming through the pebbles. The matting will also assist if the pebbles need to be changed at all in the future as they will not mix with your soil.
If you require a pebble in a natural water feature it is best to use river pebbles which come in a range of sizes from 10mm up to 150mm as these will not change the water quality. They may have to be washed beforehand to remove any dust from transport and handling.
Pebbles are sold per tonne at any of our bulk landscape supply yards and are also available in 20kg bags and bulka bags.