Ultimate Spring Garden Guide
Spring is blooming and what better time to reconnect with your garden. The winter chill has gone and your garden is about to burst into life. With a celebration of flowers, new plants to sow and grow, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming to understand where to start and how to tackle those key problems you may have in your garden. ANL’s friendly landscape and garden experts are here to help and have provided you with the Ultimate Spring Garden Guide.
1. Prepare your garden
How to Clean & prepare your garden this spring
Before you get carried away with your Spring garden projects, the first thing to do is clean your garden and remove all the debris. Be sure to get rid
of all the weeds, removing them from the roots so they won’t grow back. It’s important to put in the hard work now so they won’t take over your garden
in the hot summer months.

2. Revitalise and rehydrate your soil
How to care for your current Soil
Because your soil can be dried out and packed after winter, it’s time to improve the soil and add moisture. Adding compost and wetting agents will help
to open up the soil, build structure and improve water and nutrient holding. Add one third compost per volume of soil to your garden bed and water in with
a wetting agent. If you are building a new garden then soil selection is a major contributor to the future sustainability of your garden and you can create
the ideal environment for healthy plant growth by choosing the right garden soil mix for the job. ANL carry a huge range of garden soil options from
Premium Garden Mix and Organic Garden Mix to Planter Box Mix and
general potting mix, certified organic products and specific
vegetable mix.
Be sure to read our Garden Soil and Mixes FAQs article to find out other handy hints for gardeners.
Which Fertiliser you will need this spring
Plants are at their most active in Spring and in a garden where plants are often competing for nutrients, you will need to add fertiliser to your garden soil or potting mix to help your plants keep growing. Potted plants and annuals will love liquid fertiliser for a quick boost. For other garden options you may want to speak to an ANL specialist or read ANL's Fertiliser Guide to find out which fertiliser is right for your garden.The importance of Mulch in your garden
In addition to fertilisers and organic materials, it’s important to think about adding mulch to your flower beds and garden. Adding 50-75mm of mulch helps to prevent weeds, diseases and also keeps the moisture in your garden. Other benefits of using garden mulch include the encouragement of micro-organisms in the soil, water saving, keeping the root systems of plants remain cool particularly in the summer and the hottest part of the day, as well as adding a beautiful appearance to your garden.ANL offers a wide range of organic mulches and if you're looking for a one-stop shop then look for Droughtmaster mulch which is a 3 in 1 mulch compost and wetting agent. This wets the soil, adds organic matter and suppresses weeds, all in one step. As soil microbes break down mulch over time, they will also consume nutrients. To ensure nutrients are still available for plant growth, ANL recommends to always fertilise your garden before mulching.
Be sure to read our Garden Mulch FAQs article to find out other handy hints for gardeners or find out more on which mulch is right for your garden.
3. Revive your lawn
After a long cold and very dry Winter, your lawn probably doesn’t look very happy. This is the best time for you to give it some love and attention.
In frosty areas your lawn will be particularly dry, since the frost tends to pull the moisture out of the soil which then evaporates once it gets hot.
It will probably need aerating, but give the lawn a long slow soak to soften the soil before trying to aerating it. To aerate your lawn, add deep holes
with a garden fork every 10cm or so. Many nutrients can be washed away during the wetter winter months so come Spring, your lawn is ready for fertilising.
Tired lawns will need Topdressing with Organic Top Dressing™
to a max depth of 5mm. Be sure to top dress early Spring.
If you’re looking to lay a new lawn this season, make sure you read 'How to lay a new lawn'
If you're unsure what turf to use for your specific lawn, be sure to read 'What turf is right for your garden'.

4. What to plant this Spring
Spring is the perfect time to reconnect with your garden and start planting.Before you start, ensure you have done the above steps and prepared your soil. Once you’ve planted your new plants, add compost and manure to ensure they have nutrients to grow. Secondly ensure the soil is well watered and cover your garden beds with mulch to retain the moisture. Some recommendations for good Spring plants include:
- NSW Christmas Bush (Ceratopetalum Gummiferum). This is a small native tree ideal to get established in the ground prior to flowering in November/ December.
- Sweet Viburnum (Viburnum Odoratissimum). This is a fast growing lush green shrub which usually grows to 3-4m tall. Ideal for hedging and screening.
- Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthus SP.) Plant in Spring for beautiful flowers in the warmer months.
- Geranium. Geraniums are perfect plants to add some colour during the Spring and Summer months.
- Callistemon Citrinus (Endeavour) A small growing 2-3m bottlebrush with bright red flowers during Spring and Summer. Great for attracting birds and bees.
For a full selection and great advice visit our friendly staff at our ANL Garden Centres.
5. How to control garden pests
It’s important to watch out for pests in your garden. As the weather warms up, bugs and pests become a lot more active, especially in delicious veggie
patches. No‐one likes spraying for pests, and if your plants are strong & healthy it will help to survive a few pests. Adding rich compost
to the soil, fertilising occasionally, and mulching regularly is the key to fantastic plant growth. If you really have to spray, look for the natural
products rather than man-made chemicals, & try soapy water first because many bugs won’t like it. Other products that are easy and safe to use
include Dipel for caterpillars, eco oil for scale and eco neem for various bugs. Watering your plants regularly with seaweed solution can also help
to prevent insect attack and strengthen your plants.
To avoid using chemicals and pesticides to control infestations, try an environmentally friendly option of companion planting. Companion planting is when you plant a specific type of plant to repel pests next to a plant that is in danger of infestation. They usually have strong smells like- Lavender, oregano, basil and wormwood. This way you’re not only making your veggie garden healthier, it also is easier to maintain. Alternatively, The best defence is generally attracting both birds & other beneficial insects. Lots of flowers for nectar and shrubs for birds to hide in will make a huge difference.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of our ANL experts about your garden this Spring, feel free to drop by one of our stores or give us a call.