Cropping and Grazing
ANL offers a number of compost products for cropping and pasture improvement. These include a selection of blends to suite the requirements of specific crops or to address issues related to soil chemistry, nutrition, soil microbiology and soil carbon and organic matter.
Soil health and productivity is a reflection of the balance between structure, hydrology, nutrition and microbiology and soil organic matter is the critical link between these properties. It's rare to see a soil analysis showing adequate organic matter yet nutritionally lacking only one or a few elements, therefore it doesn't make sense to apply an elementally narrow range fertiliser.
Nitrohumus® compost applied to Cereal Crops
Composts – for Broadacre Agriculture
Compost is an increasingly common input in agricultural production systems as the productivity benefits achievable from low till, no till and conservation farming practices have gained much greater acceptance. Whilst the application of synthetic fertilisers remain as a critical input in farming systems, over recent years the productivity focus for many farmers has moved towards the benefits gained from improvements in soil health and soil organic matter as a fundamental structural aspect underpinning soil productivity, farm costs and crop yields.
It is worth considering the range of benefits gained from the application of composts such as Nitrohumus® which is packed with a diversity of nutrients including trace elements, organic matter, humus and a multitude of microbes.
In addition to Nitrohumus® ANL offers a range of multicomponent products such as the Black Lime® range along with one-off specialty fit for purpose blends tailored for your soil. Additional product information is available on the Compost and Humus Products page. Soil testing is essential in determining the compost or blend that most fits the soil type, farming system and cropping or grazing program. Please discuss options for testing with our agronomists prior to finalising your product selection.
The benefits of compost are well recognised with the diverse combination of nutrients and organic matter (and microbes) proving to be a highly effective combination for maximising plant growth. Whether in pastures or in cropping, providing the necessary Macro and Micro nutrients for the plant and the soil health is crucial to maximising the production that comes from that soil. Farmers have experienced “Faster plant responses following rain”, “improved plant colour”, ”increased dry matter production”, “heavier weaning weights” and “better grain weight” as a result of using ANL’s Nitrohumus® compost on their crops and pastures.

Pictured is the Nitrohumus® compost being turned as a critical activity within the controlled composting process. This ensures that the whole mass of the compost is exposed to the heating and biodegradation process. With a single application of Nitrohumus® compost you can provide the full range of nutrients you need plus organic matter and humus for your soil microbes.
For information and assistance please contact our commercial sales team via the Commercial Sales and technical Support link. For product information, technical specifications, site assessments or agronomic advice please contact;
NSW Central West - Jason White Mob - 0403 095 829 Email - [email protected]
Central & Mid North Coast - Matt Dugas Mob - 0405 597 281 Email - [email protected]